Oracle database backup

In this article, you will get information on how to configure the Oracle database environment using Xopero ONE.

The database backup process in Xopero ONE can be split into two different operations:

  • Creating a database dump using backup scripts,

  • Performing a backup of the database dump.

The first operation is triggered through Xopero ONE using the Backup scripts feature, and the second action is simply a file-level backup plan performance done directly by Xopero ONE. This article describes how to use Backup scripts in order to create an Oracle database dump so that it can be included in a backup plan.

See also:

File-Level Backup - Setting Up A Backup Plan, Performance, AdvantagesDrive Image-Level Backup - Backup Plan Configuration, Limitations, Advantages, Common Issues

Requirements and limitations

Xopero ONE supports Oracle database environment from version 19C!

Xopero ONE supports the Oracle database backup only with the supported Linux operating systems!

The Xopero ONE system will create a full database copy using the RMAN tool. It is worth knowing, that the Xopero ONE will not affect the other copies performed by RMAN, but the copy performed by the Xopero ONE system will be visible in RMAN.

The backup result is from the moment at the end of the dump creation task, because the Xopero ONE tool will attach the archive logs.

The Oracle database environment must work in the ARCHIVELOG mode. To get how to change the database mode, read the following article:

Changing the database mode

How to backup Oracle environment using Xopero ONE

To configure the Oracle database environment backup open the Advanced settings tab on the bottom of the backup plan creating window.

Scroll down to the Backup scripts and click the pre-backup script.

Toggle the pre-backup script switch to ON and select the script dedicated to the backup Oracle database environment.

With the next step, it is required to set up the script arguments.

Script arguments should be provided in Script arguments field this way:



  • ORACLE_SID - database ID

  • dbuser - the name of the user with backup privileges, in the example database_user. The user must be the Linux OS local user with the privileges to back up the Oracle environment. The user-creating process is described in this article below, in How to create a user to back up the Oracle environment section.

  • temp_directory - directory to which the Oracle tool will write backup files (after completing the tasks will be deleted from there). This directory must be chosen during the creating file-level backup plan in the Data to protect section, as a directory that should be protected.

Set two additional options by using the checkboxes - Wait for the script to continue the task, so the application will wait until the dump is ready, and Fail the task if the script fails - so in case of script failure, the system will also notify about backup error.

After setting "Save" configuring the backup for the Oracle environment will be finished.

How to create user to back up the Oracle environment - how to, requirements and permissions.

Add the new user (for example, dbuser) to the Linux operating system using the following command:

sudo useradd dbuser

Add the user to the dba group, which is authorized to the backup performing:

sudo usermod -a -G dba dbuser

Oracle tools may require additional permissions, for example to the file system. Then you will need to add the user to more groups, depending on your system configuration.

In the end, configure the system environments. Follow the article:

How to prepare Linux to backup Oracle?

See also how to restore the Oracle database backup:

How to restore Oracle database from backup?

Last updated