Get Started

Taking your first steps into the world of backup doesn't have to be a challenge. For your convenience, we have prepared the following list to make it much easier.

  1. Do you want to use the On-premise version (deployed in your infrastructure) or will you choose the SaaS (cloud) version?

  2. Do you already have access to your service? Have you already generated your license or has it been generated for you by our sales department?

  3. What is your goal? What challenges do you want to achieve? What are your requirements for backup software?

  4. What do you want to protect? What resources do you have to secure?

  5. Do you know anything about our license types and how they work?

  6. Have you already thought about the schedule of your backup tasks? Do you have policies and restrictions you must meet? Do you have specific RTO/RPO times you want to meet?

  7. Do the resources you want to protect have any technological limitations, access restrictions or limits? We can talk here, for example, about slow connections or throttling for the Git organization.

  8. What type of storage do you want to use? Do you want to use Xopero Storage S3? Do you have your own private S3 storage? Or maybe you want to use a local storage?

  9. Who will manage your backup service? Do you need several accounts with different levels of permissions?

  10. Do you need to integrate your backup service with an external identity provider (IdP) via the SAML protocol?

  11. Do you need additional notifications? Would you use notifications about successfully or incorrectly completed backup tasks, your organization's monthly SLA reports or summaries of all tasks per day?

Checklist (on-boarding)

Last updated