GitHub repositories list and its synchronization
This article contains information about repositories list and its synchronization
Last updated
This article contains information about repositories list and its synchronization
Last updated
In general, the repositories list is available under the Explore button in the GitHub dashboard.
From this point you can find information about:
Repository name:
Repository status:
Last backup:
Next backup:
Whether the license has been assigned:
Backup status:
From here you can also:
See the list of all assigned backup plans:
Restore the data:
See repository details:
See also article related to repository’s dashboard overview
If you want to change the columns, which describe your repository list, you can do it using the gear button.
In general, during the adding process, you can specify the hours, when Xopero ONE should synchronize with your GitHub, or set a time interval.
You can also trigger the synchronization task in the repository list. To synchronize the Xopero ONE with your GitHub environment, hit the synchronize button.
On the bottom section of the window, you can see the last sync time