Filters - Control The Backup Content


During the creation of a backup plan, you can choose to use filters to have better control over the files you are backing up.

Filters are only available for the File-level backup plan.

See also how to create the File-level backup plan:

File-Level Backup - Setting Up A Backup Plan, Performance, Advantages

Using filters

While you are choosing files to protect, enter filters by clicking the funnel icon.

Filters allow to:

Exclude hidden or/and system files or folders

Filter files during the backup based on their name or extensions by excluding them

Filter files during the backup based on their name or extensions by including them

Size-limit included files

Exclude given paths from backup

Directories can be filtered by direct path address, by system variable, or predefined Xopero variable

When filters are set, click Apply button to save changes. Filters are applied to all devices that are protected within the plan. When at least one filter is active it is marked by the green dot on the funnel icon.

Last updated