Notifications configuration - Xopero ONE on-premise
This article contains information on how to configure email notifications in Xopero ONE
Last updated
This article contains information on how to configure email notifications in Xopero ONE
Last updated
To enable the notifications for a specific backup plan, move to the Advanced Settings during the backup plan creation process and enable the Email notifications.
Expand this tab and next move to the E-mail server. Here you can specify the SMTP server configuration. Fill in the required fields with the SMTP server IP address, and SMTP port and specify the e-mail address, which should be the sender's e-mail. If the server requires authentication, you can check the appropriate checkbox and specify the login and password. See also:
Add A New PasswordYou can also send a test message, to see that all the settings are configured properly.
Next, go to the Recipients. Here you can select the email addresses, which should receive the notifications.
In the next step, go to the Email notifications and specify the notifications, on which you want to be notified. Set also its language. The available notifications you can see here, in the following article:
Available notificationsIf you specify the SMTP server configuration, email address and configured the notifications, hit the Save button.
To configure email notifications move to the Settings tab, and next to Email notifications.
Expand this tab and next move to the E-mail server. Here you can specify the SMTP server configuration.
Fill in the required fields with the SMTP server IP address, and SMTP port and specify the e-mail address, which should be the sender's e-mail.
If the server requires authentication, you can check the appropriate checkbox and specify the login and password. See also:
Add A New PasswordYou can also send a test message, to see that all the settings are configured properly.
Next, go to the Recipients. Here you can select the email addresses, which should receive the notifications.
In the next step, go to the Email notifications and specify the notifications, on which you want to be notified.
The available notifications you can see here, in the following article:
Available notificationsIf you specify the SMTP server configuration, email address and configured the notifications, hit the Save button.
Check the checkbox next to Server requires authentication in the Email server section.
Now, fill the Login field with the login, which is used to log in on the SMTP server.
Next, select the AppPassword from the safe Password Manager, or add a new one, if it does not exist.
See also:
Add A New Password