Container Station older than 3.0
This article describes how to install and configure the Xopero ONE agent application running as a docker container on QNAP NAS.
QNAP with:
x86 or x64 CPU (ARM is not supported)
Minimum 2GB of RAM
Container Station app from AppCenter
Environment setup
To create a docker container on QNAP NAS it is required to download the Container Station application available on QNAP App Center. Connect to your QNAP Web panel, log into it and open the App Center application. Select the All Apps section and search for Container Station.
Download the application, open it and select the path, which will be used as a directory of your docker container data. Click Start Now to proceed. After that download the Xopero ONE agent docker image, which is available on our official server - HERE.
After downloading Container Station and Xopero ONE agent docker image you're ready to deploy the agent. Open the Container Station application and open the Import tab. Click the +Import button to upload a previously downloaded file.
QNAP will now display the Create Import Task window, where you can select the Source location of the Xopero ONE agent docker file. By choosing Local source you can select the file from your device, while the NAS option is dedicated to the files located directly on QNAP.
After selecting the Source and the docker image file path click the Next button.
QNAP will now display the Create Container window, which allows you to configure the Xopero ONE agent docker container.
This form consists of a few fields, but the most important are:
Name - where you can set a name for a container,
Auto start - a switch, which defines if the container should startup automatically(in case of QNAP restart i.e.)
CPU Limit - that allows you to set the percentage of CPU usage available for a container,
Memory Limit - RAM dedicated to a container.
By scrolling down the window you'll be able to open Advanced Settings.
Click the Advanced Settings >> button and after that select the Environment section. Add a new environment variable by clicking Add button, name it ManagementServiceUrl and set its value to your Xopero ONE Management Service address(including port and protocol).
On the next step open the Shared Folders section - this is the place, where you can mount your QNAP volumes to the Xopero ONE agent docker container.
If you're willing to back up anything from your QNAP device, then focus on the Volume from the host section. This part allows you to select what data Xopero ONE container will be able to access. Select the directory from the host on Volume from the host field and define the path that will be visible inside the container on the Mount Point field.
For example, if you want to back up a directory named Backup inside a Public shared folder the Volume from the host field should be set to /Public/Backup, but Mount Point can have a different value like /Backup.
You can mount multiple directories to the container by clicking Add button next to Volume from the host section and repeating the operation.
Click Create button to open the Summary - a part, where you can review all the settings to make sure that everything has been set properly. If everything is right, then proceed with the OK button.
As soon as the container creation process is finished, connect to your Xopero ONE Web panel to activate the agent.
Last updated