Hyper-V Dashboard

In this article, you will get the information about Hyper-V dashboard details.

Hyper-V dashboard

To access the Hyper-V dashboard, navigate to the Hyper-V section in Xopero ONE.

Hyper-V IP Address

Displays the IP address of your Hyper-V server.

Amount of all virtual machines

Shows the total number of virtual machines configured in your Hyper-V environment.

Protected virtual machines - VM-s with backup plan

Lists the virtual machines with active backup plans.

VM-s with backup plan

Inaccessible virtual machines (not protected)

Highlights virtual machines that are not protected by a backup plan.

not protected

List of backup plans

Provides a list of all configured backup plans for your Hyper-V environment.

Run backup plan manually

Run backup plans manually as needed.

Edit your Hyper-V environment

Make changes to your Hyper-V environment settings.

Edit your Hyper-V environment

Assign a new backup plan

Assign a new backup plan to protect virtual machines.

See all available backup plans

Access a comprehensive list of all available backup plans.

See all available backup plans

Restore the data

Clicke the Magane & Restore button, select the machine you want to restore from the list and press the restore icon on the right. An additional window will be displayed on the left, in which you will be able to select a backup plan and a specific version.

Restore the data

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