Restore The Entire Mailbox, Selected Folders, Emails To Any Microsoft 365 User Or The Local Computer

In this article, you will get information on how to restore the entire mailbox, selected folders, and e-mails in Xopero ONE.

Restore view

To open the restore view go to the Microsoft 365 tab and click Manage & Restore button near your organization entry to see the list of organization users.

Microsoft 365 tab in Xopero ONE

Find the user whose data you want to restore and click the Restore button in the same row.

Microsoft 365 user list view

That will display another aside, where you have to select a specific backup plan and version, then click the Restore button, which will lead to you Select data to restore view.

Microsoft 365 versions available to restore

Entire mailbox or selected folders or e-mails

To restore the entire mailbox hit the "Restore all" button which is located in the bottom section of the window.

Selecting the data to restore

If you want to restore selected folders select them hitting the checkbox next to the message.

Selecting the data to restore

After selecting one of these options Xopero ONE will display another aside called Restore data, where you can select restore destination and additional settings.

Restore options window

Restore to any Microsoft 365 user

In order to restore the data to Microsoft 365 user click the Edit button(Step 1) next to the Restore to section and select Microsoft 365 account(Step 2). Select the user, which will be the restore destination, and click the Save button.

Selecting account, to restore onedrive data

With the next step, you need to select Restore directory by using one of the available options: New directory or Original directory:

New directory option will create another directory, which will contain all the data you restored.

recovering the data to the new directory

The Original directory setting, as the name suggests will restore the data to it's original location. However, you can decide to Overwrite existing OneDrive files and to Create a copy of overwritten OneDrive data(disabled, not available yet).

The next section is Restore settings, where you can Reduce bandwidth usage to the selected speed. A Device used to restore the data is the last step, where all you need to do is to select the device, which will be responsible for the restoration process. If you're willing to change the default one, then click the Change button and select the different device in the Select resource view.

After filling out the form click the Start now button, which will run the restore process. You can track the progress of this process through the Tasks tab.

Restore to the local computer

In order to restore the data to the local device click the Edit button(Step 1) next to the Restore to section and select Device(Step 2).

recovering onedrive data to the local computer

Select the device, which will be the restore destination, and click the Save button.

Onedrive data restore options

The next section, after selecting the device is Restore directory, where you can select the exact destination path of your files. Click Select directory to restore the data to(Step 1) button

selecting the final directory for restored onedrive data

Then select directory - the exact restore destination(Step 2) - and click Apply button(Step 3) The last section is Restore settings, where you can Reduce bandwidth usage to the selected speed.

reducing the bandwidth limitations

After filling out the form click the Start now button to run the restore process. You can track the progress of this process through the Tasks tab.

Last updated