How to prepare Linux to backup Oracle?

This article describes how to prepare Linux OS to back up the Oracle database environment.

How to prepare Linux to back up the Oracle database environment?

Xopero ONE Agent requires the rman and sqlplus tool availability. Before you start, make sure that these tools are available to use. Using Linux CLI log in to the account used to back up your Oracle database and type the following commands:

echo 'connect target /; quit' | rman
echo 'SELECT INSTANCE_NAME FROM V$INSTANCE;' | sqlplus / as sysdba

In case of unavailability these tools, for example:

you need to configure the environment variables. Edit the following file:


and add the following records:

export ORACLE_SID=<database_ID>
export ORACLE_HOME=database_directory

where the database_directory is the Oracle database location directory.


for example:

Now, after logging in once again, executing the following commands should end correctly.

echo 'connect target /; quit' | rman
echo 'SELECT INSTANCE_NAME FROM V$INSTANCE;' | sqlplus / as sysdba

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